Path of the Veiled Souls

2nd book title


There’s a place where you can escape to.   Nobody can see you there.  You are safe.  Invisibility is your cloak. You exist between dimensions.  The Authority desperately wants to follow you there.  You are beyond their control as long as you maintain your veil.   Your most precious possession is free from their tyranny.   Be vigilant.   Your eternal soul is at stake.

What did you do during the lockdown?

Was the global pandemic declaration a US psyop?

I made the fateful decision to start my thru hike of the Appalachian trail on February 14th, 2020.   It would be unlike any thru hike before or since.   I became a refugee from a world gone insane.   I stuck to the mountain ridges,  peering down at distant highways coursing through wide valleys.   I continued hiking when most got off deciding to join the lockdown.   It became increasingly surreal to hike North.   I worried that authorities were surveiling each and every road crossing. Looking carefully for witnesses and even hidden trail cameras, I crossed like a buck entering a meadow. Towns became enemy territory.    In and out, living on the fringe of society, I tried to hide my transient lifestyle.   It wasn’t too difficult.   Everything was closed.  It was an apocalyptic scene repeated over and over.    I met a few brave souls that saw thru the apparent contradictions of health and safety rules.   We dismissed, ignored, maybe even destroyed public signs forbidding our experience.  My suspicion was solidly based on my own research. Not to mention, I used a similar virus to control populations in my book, published in 2017.   A regime had taken control of America and wanted martial law to manage dissent. They deceived citizens and exploied their fears to gain unquestioned respect for authority, any authority, as it turns out.   Maybe I was prepared for what happened during covid because I had already envisioned such an conspiracy.

Eventually, I made it to Vermont from Georgia before finally quitting, disgusted by the ever increasing closures.   Vermont was absolutely the worst State mandating illogical and, subsequently, illegal restrictions.  

I suffered the expected accusations of selfishness in my decision to be free.    I wear it now as a badge of courage.  

Every covid public health mandate has now been disclosed as unfounded.    Masks, social distancing, sterilized surfaces, vaccinations,staying indoors, ordering food delivered is debunked.  

Recently, Reuters published an article about an internal audit of the Pentagon, which describes a taxpayer funded anti-vax psyop directed against Philippine citizens critical of the Chinese vaccine being used during the height of the alleged global pandemic.   Was it to protect US based pharmaceutical competitors or just a massive risk of spreading the virus because China is an enemy nation?   Or, did the Pentagon know the virus wasn’t dangerous.    It was all a massive orchestrated attempt to do something we don’t really understand?

So, yeah, the covid tour 2020 was a great experience.   Only a few of us lived it on the run. 

Next time around, I hope there are more of us exiles in the woods.

Prophecy or Prediction?

I published Wrathful Empathies, The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry in 2017. Yet, my book tells the story of an airborne virus that supposedly distorts the thoughts of citizens. The government authorities clamp down on all freedoms to limit exposure. This is actually a fake narrative since the real danger of the virus is terribly exaggerated. In fact, a secret cabal has captured the Republic from behind curtains of secrecy. All freedoms are taken away. Free speech is outlawed as is freedom of movement. Your body is no longer your own to manage. Certainly, your mind is filled with misinformation, disinformation and malformation. Citizens are taught that their biggest enemy is other citizens, especially those that question the narrative. Elections are meaningless. The vast majority of people are fooled (intimidated) by this slight of hands.

However, an insurgency fights back from the shadows. It has the benefit of forbidden knowledge and its own ancient origins.

All of this came true (self evident) in 2020. How did I know? Did I receive prophetic visions from the misty beyond? Or, did I simply read the tea leaves of history and make a prediction?

Truthfully, it was a bit of both. I have many shortcomings but also a few quirky strengths. All my life I have been extremely curious, especially about filling in blank spots of ignorance. You can say I am an information junkie. Most of it has no practical value, but, nonetheless, it persist in driving me to read and explore. I have become pretty good at seeing patterns. This allows me to cut through the bullshit we are being fed. That deduction helped me imagine my story. Additionally, I did have dreams/voices that hammered my subconscious mind in the darkest moments of night. If I wanted to get any sleep, I had to get out of bed and write down what I saw or heard in this dream state.

That leaves us with where we are now. It’s not over you know. The Authorities are not only striving for complete domination of our physical and mental existence. I fear they want to destroy most of us. This is a very scary thought. What could be their ultimate motivation? How will this end?

My first book told this story. My second book elaborates on where this is going and why. Actually, I alluded to this already. The Authorities won’t be satisfied until they control our souls.

I am currently writing book two. The fight for freedom continues. The insurgency is growing. However, a new dynamic force to the battle is introduced. This is the character of Orc as a young man. He and his destructive powers will be unleashed. A cataclysmic battle between him and Urizen will threaten to destroy everything in the way.

There is an old African proverb: When two elephants fight, the grass is trampled.

I will post working chapters as things progress.

Writing as catharsis (and self help)

Divorce is a bitch. There isn’t much you can do if someone stops loving you. Accept it and move on. Easy for some people maybe. What if you believe that person was your soul mate? Sounds silly I know. If you believe in such things though, how do reconcile it? Life is short but eternity is forever. I decided to write a book. It saved my sanity and probably my life. I think people in search of solutions to their own despair might benefit from my journey. Since you are a subscriber and maybe came here for self help, let me tell you about it.

The characters in my book Los and Enith represent yours truly and my ex wife. Just imagine realizing you lost the best thing in your life, something that could never be replaced, and it was something you let slip through your hands. This was doubly devastating.

First things first; I take due blame for my shortcomings as a husband and partner. That was extremely important in reconciling my heartbreak. I didn’t hide from the reckoning. I didn’t hide from the truth. Self examination is critical to the healing process. Sure, it is easy to blame others. Tried that first. It led down a destructive dead end. After sobering up, I looked around, took stock and realized nobody was to blame but me, and, more importantly, nobody was coming to my rescue. I needed to find my own way out of the pain. I embarked on a introspective journey that was pure hell but ultimately led to sanity. It was long and exhausting just like my 2,200 mile hike of the Appalachian Trail. Similarly, each step was revelatory. The mountains and valleys I slogged over with a heavy pack wore away all pretense I had about my physical toughness. In the end, I did summit Mt. Katahdin. At the top, I looked South and reflected on the journey. Yeah, I wished I had hiked every step displaying Hemingwayesque grace under pressure. That didn’t happen. In the end, it wasn’t a realistic expectation to begin with. Heroes are relatable because they fall down sometimes. What makes them truly heroic is they get back up and keep going despite the pain, tiredness and doubt. For my emotional recovery, I decided to eat the pain instead of letting it consume me. It literally became fuel to metaphorically climb out of my depression.

Now back to my book as a method to my salvation. Thank you for being patient. The story of Los and Enith detail my journey. Ultimately, I reunited them as a couple using the concept of Tibetan Buddhism and its belief in the immediate journey of souls through the Bardo after death. If you read my book, you will see both were just ordinary people making the best decisions they could in the midst of tremendous confusion. Nobody was at fault. Ultimately, neither one was solely responsible for the end of their marriage. Actually, both took the final step to make reunion possible. They believed in the other despite the sacrifices that required. That is what made the ultimate difference in living together happily ever after. SPOILER alert. They only reunited as souls after death, but, hey, I really do believe that some people are soul mates. In the end, the only thing that mattered to me was to find reconciliation. Story telling was cathartic. I am at peace. Somewhere, in another dimension, I am bound together with my ex wife. We move as one. Our love has transformed us into Wrathful Empathies. Together, we move through the eternity of space and time helping other lost souls find salvation. Since I felt like I knew her from another life, I am convinced we will meet again in future reincarnations. Just taking a break for now. I weaved this narrative out of a variety of interests. My imagination allowed me to bring them together in a way that can never been undone. You will see that many characters in my book also find reunification in similar extra dimensional evolutions. Good story if I say so myself.

A poem for the lost

Take me to the chasms

of beasts and the unwanted

let me walk among the lost

in the great confusion

the unknown.

Waiting for the wave

to fade us away

hand in hand we wait

as the wave grows hungry

swallowing the sky

the sun will be consumed

and the water will claim its throne

the children play

while skeletons lay

as we all wait for the day

where the lost will become found

and the beasts will shed their skin

stop. Rinse. Repeat.

A poem by Lauren Ewing

I am back and will be posting more soon. Needed time to confirm that I was on the right path. Yes, unfortunately, it’s true. Everything I wrote in book one has indeed happened. The evidence is in plain sight. Now is the time for original thinkers to step forward. The army of orcs are marauding everywhere. They roam the land devouring everything in sight. Not all is lost. I am making progress on book two. Heroes are emerging. The Kindred is growing in size and strength. Keep the faith! Be like Diogenes and bark like a dog.