
What is it?   Is it a destination?  I propose that just knowing you are a slave is as important as running away.  Freedom is a matter of steps.    Lots of people don’t even know they are enslaved.  They spend their lives on the plantation.    The woods are near enough.  If I can run away, so can you.  Sanctuary, however temporary, can be found along the way.   Look for the trail blaze for direction.  Be warned that all is not as it seems however.  The correct path is not always where you think it should be.  Case in point, study this picture carefully.   One way to freedom and another to the plantation, but where does the blue blaze lead?  Sometimes signs and blazes are meant to distract.  If in doubt, be your own guide.  If you are truly lost, look to the heavens.  They never failed our ancestors.  I have been where you are going.  Keep walking until you are free.  Slipping through the net is a life long endeavor.
