Star Wars, The Last Jedi

I spent last night watching YouTube videos of people venting their frustration over the new Star Wars movie.  They appear to be hard core fans that really, really hate the movie.  Their chief complaint is that the new version (produced, directed and written by Disney) totally substitutes the original Star Wars story with something very different.   This is considered  outrageous and unforgivable.   I have to admit that I never saw this movie and never will.   I did see the original Star Wars back in 1977.  I loved it.  It made me excited about the future.  I was confident  nothing would ever be the same again.  The future was here and it was exciting.  Yes, it was possible other worlds existed concurrent with out own.  All good things, however, come to an end.  I noticed the subsequent movies got less and less thrilling.  I stopped going altogether.  I didn’t know it then but the archetypal characters had gradually become less heroic, less mystical and less interesting.   Fans of Star Wars are pissed!.  They are resisting the change.   I am glad these people are awake to the revision of the Star Wars story/myth.

Hello.  Welcome to reality.  This revisionism is not limited to your favorite movie.  It has been happening to our historical narrative for decades.  The part that is most like my book (Wrathful Empathies, The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry) is that the enemy is inside the village gates.

To the legion of Star Wars fans or “fan boys” as you are dismissively called, please take your new found wrath and apply it to the much bigger universe.  Better yet, form an underground Star Wars fan club.  Call yourselves the Resistance.  Or, better yet, The Kindred.  Keep alive your memories of what you feel is your ancestral understanding of myth and purpose.   You can fight across time and space through countless generations yet to come.  Who knows, maybe you can even reincarnate and come back as a projection of your previous self.   Isn’t that what Luke Skywalker did?   Not sure, because I didn’t see the movie.   Instead, I thoroughly enjoyed watching the countless authentic and organic YouTube videos of average people who took to their cameras, declared war and uploaded their cry for vengeance.

The Authority is destroying  freedom across the universe.   The hour is late.

Maybe we need a 2nd Jedi to rise up!