Youtube Channel

Please visit my YouTube channel for videos.  It is under Mark Ewing (Wrathful Empathies) for now.

I am calling it PATROLREP.  This is a military abbreviation for Patrol Report. It will serve as the official report of the Bardo Patrol.  In Tibetan Buddhism the Bardo is where souls go after death and can wander for up to 42 days. During this time period, souls seek realization of universal consciousness. If successful, the soul achieves liberation from the wheel of struggle. If not, souls must experience reincarnation in another life form.  I believe most souls reincarnate.  In this case, the goal is to come back as a sentient being at a higher stage than the previous life.  It is during this struggle to traverse the Bardo, I envision a patrol hiking in the failing light. They are searching for souls to guide and rescue.  I don’t think, however, this necessarily requires interdimensional travel.  In fact, all souls can be helped right now.

In concert with my book “Wrathful Empathies, The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry”, PATROLREP will assist living souls to traverse the Bardo. This help will come in the form of information. Specifically, I will describe how fears are being implanted in our subconscious only to be released after death. The Authority has planned this and works daily to ruin our chances of liberation. They want souls to fail. Their goal is for the soul not join universal consciousness but reincarnate into a lesser being. This allows them to control future populations much easier. My writing serves as a warning this is really happening in our otherwise, humdrum, boring world. Listen closely and you will learn how to detect their evil at work. Of course, if a soul has already passed onto the Bardo, the patrol can spot them and offer assistance in the field.  I know this is not representative of Tibetan Buddhism.  I mean no offense.  I am an author just imagining an alternative to the Buddhist monk praying over the deceased body. Unlike this scenario depicted in the Tibetan book of the dead, I envision a group of weary hikers whose compassion pushes them to patrol endlessly. This is the Bardo Report. It is us, those who participate in my communications.

I am reminded of a story, real and recent. An autistic child became separated from his parents in the wilderness of Dolly Sods, West Virginia. It is an immense plateau which can have ferocious winds, as well as, unpredictable weather due to its high elevation. Also, it is full of rocky cliffs, fast moving streams, dense forest, bottomless bogs, and, worse yet, unexploded military ordinace. Volunteers quickly took to the wilderness in search of the lost soul. The response was overwhelming. The child was found days later. Cold, dehydrated, scared but safe. It just so happens my patrol of volunteers operates on trails where the veil of the living and dead is thin.   The Bardo is described as a desolate place haunted by demons.  I find it comforting to think of a patrol whose mission is to look for lost souls.  These spiritual truth warriors are described in detail in my book. Can you recognize them?  They constantly patrol the desolate spaces of our consciousness. Wrathful Entities also scavenge the Bardo.  They are ferocious monsters that threaten to devour souls into the oblivion of their empty stomachs. Are they really what they seem?  What, or who, in fact, patrols the Bardo?

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