Folktales vs Mind Control

In my book Wrathful Empathies, The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry, I created a secretive group called The Kindred.  The members of this group make it a practice to remember what it means to be American based on their ancestors experience.  They pass this knowledge down, generation after generation.  Through this fictional narrative, I hope to shake loose people’s awareness and reveal how the significance of the American revolution has been diminished.  It was possibly the singularly most important historical occurrence of self government ever.   What happened to change that perception?  I believe certain hidden forces are using mind control to replace what should be cherished beliefs with  something very destructive to this generation and generations to come.  That begs a question:  What exactly is being pushed into their subconscious?  To answer that question, we need to first confront the process of mind control.   Therefore, it is necessary to convince you that mind control is practiced. To do that I want to stir up old memories that are collecting dust on a long forgotten shelves.   Folklore is defined as the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community, passed through the generations by word of mouth. The stories I weave are populated with colorful characters that hopefully will revive something we know inherently – The American experience in self government is nothing to be ashamed.  Indeed, it is something to be proud of.   After all,  we have inherited the greatest form of government ever created. Yes, it can be corrupted by greed and power.  We can deal with that corruption through strict adherence to the rule of law. However, when shadowy forces seek to undermine our system of government with such subtle nuanced revisions of history, we fall into a trance.

That is why using iconic symbols, e.g., bearded, shadowy men of the woods, mystic in their spiritual understanding of the world drag up memories of something familiar. They speak few words and are stoic in their commitment to the cause. Above all, they bravely face death to defend liberty.  I believe all of us have embedded deep within our subconscious traditional beliefs, customs and stories of a community that served an essential role in our mental health and social cohesion.  I hope to awaken those embattled and buried memories. Indeed, I believe folktales are essential to fighting mind control programs that are actively at work even as I type this post. The battle is real and the time to act is now. Please spread the word. Read my posts on Wrathful Empathies and watch my videos on my YouTube channel PATROLREP.

If you don’t believe that mind control programs can be used to weaken, paralyze and then destroy a society, please watch the following video. Maybe after watching this video, you will see how they are at work today.