Waking from a Post Modernist Nightmare

This video describes what happens when we wake from indoctrination.  Everything we have been told is suddenly revealed as ruins of a false construction.  We began to search again for faith and reason.

John Gray infamously stated “We live today amid the dim ruins of the Enlightenment project, which was the only project of the modern period”

He couldn’t have been more wrong.

When you finally awake to the truth, you find yourself wandering the ruins of your past thoughts and conceptions of the world.  Do not despair that you have been deceived.  Rejoice that you are awake, truly awake.  You are actually on a journey to a place that you already are.  There are others out there in the Bardo trying to reincarnate into truth.  We knew truth before but were convinced it was falsehood.  John Gray and post modernist claimed we walked in the ruins of reason and religious faith.  They were wrong.

My book entitled Wrathful Empathies, the 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry is my fictional attempt to strike at the heart of deceit.  Instead of raiding an armory, it is necessary to destroy the very mechanism disseminating falsehood.  Just like the first raid on Harpers Ferry, I  raise an army of truth warriors.   Seek out kindred spirits who are already engaged in the fight for freedom of the mind.