Voice In the Wilderness

I discovered a new dissident this week.  Her name is Diana West and she is American!   The author of many books I never heard before until stumbling across her through my own research.  I immediately ordered her book entitled American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character.  This book sheds light on the dark corners of American history.  What she discovers reveals a monster conspiracy that even I could not imagine.  Needless to say, her research and conclusions explain a hell of a lot about current events.  Once again, history is not what it seems.  I have a new understanding of John Brown’s perplexing historical legacy.  He sits outside any defined category of American character analysis.  He is neither hero nor villain.  Clearly, historians find him an uncomfortable character.  John Brown is a threat because of his individual stand against slavery and specific call to the slaves to free themselves.  Clearly, he stood for a progressive society but one measured within the context of the US Constitution and the bible (both new and old testaments).  There was no Marxist doctrine in his thinking.  No wonder he has been cast aside by historians.  I realize now that he is more dangerous to the left than the right and we all know the left writes (and rewrites) the history books.   Just to be clear, anyone who stands up for freedom is a threat.  John Brown cannot take his proper place in American history until the story of the Raid on Harpers Ferry is told without any political filtering.  My book imagines how that story might be told.
