3rd Raid on Harpers Ferry?

As you can read below, I tried very hard to get my book on the shelves of the National Park Service Book Store in Harpers Ferry, WV.   They were professional and polite, but, in the end, not interested.   Let’s try again!  I believe fiction can be just as enlightening as non fiction.  Especially, if the history books don’t really provide much insight. People visit Harpers Ferry from all over the world to walk its historic streets and alleys (not to mention nearby ruins and mountains).  While it is seemingly frozen in time, the historic events that took place in this town must not be put on the shelf to collect dust.  The raid that occurred here at the hands of John Brown and his band of rebels needs to be re-examined from a totally new perspective.  My book does exactly that unlike any of the hundred of books along the bookstore shelves.  Literally, nothing sparked my interest that rainy afternoon I visited.   Lets start a campaign to have the National Park Service reconsider my request.   Please contact the bookstore manager and ask if they carry “Wrathful Empathies, The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry.  

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On Jan 31, 2018 4:21 PM, “Whitney Richards” <whitneyrichards@earthlink.net > wrote:
Good afternoon Mark!

I have tracked down your title, unfortunately it was not recommended for approval. Simply, we carry very few adult fiction titles.

Have you tried some of the littler shops on High St? They will sometimes carry Harpers Ferry themed books. I refer a lot of people up the hill for ghost stories, since we do not sell those either.

I apologize again for the wait, and I appreciate you considering our shop for your book! Your Vendor Form said to donate the book, so I am taking it to the local free library (after I read it!). Please let me know if I can further assist you in anyway, and please feel free to submit any additional titles in the future.


Whitney Richards
Operations Manager
Harpers Ferry Park Association

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From: Mark Ewing [mailto:lostmungo2@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 11:54 AM

To: Whitney Richards
Subject: RE: Author Introduction

Thank you for the quick response. I definitely understand the process can take time. I have a book signing at the Winchester book gallery in March. Hopefully, I can get it on the shelves in Harpers Ferry. It is all about local history with a twist. Either way, thank you very much for your attention to my request.


On Jan 30, 2018 11:15 AM, “Whitney Richards” <whitneyrichards@earthlink.net > wrote:
Good morning Mark!

I haven’t received a decision on my desk, so I am not sure of the decision. I will do some searching to see if I can find out where it is in the process.

Sorry for the wait, sometimes it can take awhile for our park liaison to review, and we are currently in the process of switching to a new liaison, as the current one is retiring. I will let you know as soon as I find out any information!


Whitney Richards
Operations Manager
Harpers Ferry Park Association

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From: Mark Ewing [mailto:lostmungo2@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 10:06 AM
To: Whitney Richards
Subject: RE: Author Introduction

Ms. Richards,

Just writing to see if there has been any news/decision on my submission.

Thanks in advance for your time.


On Oct 30, 2017 11:17 AM, “Whitney Richards” <whitneyrichards@earthlink.net > wrote:
Good morning Mark!

Thank you so much for your kind words about our shop! I’m glad you liked it as much as we do!

Thank you also for your interest in our shop for your title. Please find attached our Vendor Submittal forms. A review copy would absolutely help, as after we review and approve titles, they are forwarded to our park liaison for approval as well. The park approval process can take weeks sometimes, so please feel free to call or email me for updates. We also ask that if you would like your copy back that you include a self addressed and stamped envelope.

I will let you know that we try very hard to keep most of our titles non-fiction, however a historical fantasy book centered around Harpers Ferry may do well here. I’m excited to read your interpretation of our little town! Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns!

Whitney Richards
Operations Manager
Harpers Ferry Park Association

Support Harpers Ferry National Historical Park!
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https://www.harpersferryhistor y.org/association-membership

From: Mark Ewing [mailto:lostmungo2@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 8:32 AM
To: whitneyrichards@earthlink.net
Subject: Author Introduction

Dear Ms. Richards,

I stopped by the bookstore in Harpers Ferry this weekend and was very impressed with the diversity of content on the shelves. If I could be so bold, I think you might be interested in my book for your fiction section.

It is titled, Wrathful Empathies: The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry.

As the name suggests, the story takes place in and around Harpers Ferry. Visitors to the your shop who seek intrigue behind the bricks and mortar of the lower town district should enjoy this exciting adventure tale. Quickly, the story is about a band of truth seekers hiking the mountain trails, running the rivers and haunting the taverns in and around that historic town.

If you are interested, I can send a free courtesy copy for your review.

The book is currently listed on Amazon with expanded distribution available for booksellers and resellers.

I really do think the kind of people who visit Harpers Ferry, and, specifically, the NPS bookstore have inquisitive, thoughtful and questioning minds, not to mention, a love for natural beauty and a little mystery. Just the audience for my book.

I look forward to your response whatever it is.


Mark Ewing.

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