Ideology 101

So, Wrathful Empathies is about mind control by an evil secret cabal over the American citizenry.   I go into elaborate detail about how this might occur.  Being a fantasy novel, my imagination came up with an incredible story that involves spiritual plasma, aliens, an underground broadcasting complex, and a vast sensor system that can detect the movement of souls.  Yes, fantastical indeed.  The result is total control over people’s thinking.   In reality, you really don’t need to go to such great lengths.  It has been done before quite effectively with techniques, public shaming being just one example.  Communist ideology is the perfect brainwashing of the human mind.  The Soviet Union, China and Cambodia show the death toll of this mania.  It is not something relegated to the past either but present among us today.   I see the same Maoist practices used during the Cultural Revolution on my TV screens each night.  Don’t believe me, lets see some examples of the public shaming then and now.


flake 3300px-Panchen_Lama_during_the_struggle_(thamzing)_session_1964culturalrev3bernie sanders shaming