Guardians of the Golden Path

If a golden path existed that allowed humans to transit not only a infinite narrow band of wilderness but time itself, what might guard its portals?  In my book, I describe a hearty band of pilgrims that have transcended the physical dimension we exist in through a process of illumination, epiphany, and/or realization of ultimate reality.  Some souls of the departed and angels also tread this path.  It offers not only a new perspective on reality but a transit all along the continuum of past, present and future.   This path of the spiritually enlightened enjoy safe passage from the totalitarian government that has taken over America.  They are safe as long as they transit the Golden Path.  They are invisible to evil Authority agents that attempt to locate their position.  Safety, however, only exists on the path.  The moment these travelers exit back in the physical dimension, they become visible.  Historical events and places all have their own portal that allows such passage.  They are fog enveloped side trails off the Golden Path that lead to misty marshes until finally to the edge of an eerie swamp.  On the other side is the physical dimension they seek to re-enter.  Crossing the swamp is treacherous enough but the cosmic sentinel guarding the barrier is extremely dangerous.  They demand something to eat from each trespassing pilgrim.  If no food is offered, they eat the person whole.  At first, these sentinels appear as cloak shrouded entities but once angered transform into their true monstrous presence.



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