Why I chose Solzhenitsyn

This video is long at 46 minutes but enlightening.   Dr. Kreeft captures exactly why and how American intelligentsia (Marxists)  “disappeared” this Russian thinker and prophet.  The Kremlin was happy to see this speech knowing that their most troublesome dissident had effectively destroyed himself with the American left (mainstream culture).  Sorry there is no video but just audio.  I find it entertaining nonetheless.

The disappearance of such a great author from modern society reveals the much larger manipulation of history.  His criticism of East and West is critical to the advancement of civilization.  However, he is a non person now.   Hardly anybody talks about his ideas anymore.  His ideas were not approved.  They were too dangerous.  It happened in front of our eyes.  The thought controllers expunged him from acceptable discourse and by default our perspective on the world.

The character in my book, DB Cooper, pursues his curiosity about the similar historical treatment of John Brown. While he is not disappeared from history, the intelligentsia have properly placed him in a harmless state.  No longer a proponent of direct action against evil, he is treated as an enigma.

“Someone who is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.”

Indeed, he found slavery incompatible with our Constitution and the bible.  No mystery there as to his motives and impatience with democracy.