The Minotaur, the Labyrinth and the Deep State — Part 2

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture repainted, every statue and street building renamed, every date has been altered.  And the process continues, day by day, minute by minute.  History has stopped.  Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right…”

George Orwell, 1984

Isn’t it interesting that a leftist who went to fight for the left wing government of Spain against Franco and the Nationalist can write such words?  What did he see there?  What did he experience?  A clue to understanding his book 1984 is to read his book “Homage to Catalonia.”  You can basically predict what he would write next.

In case you don’t know the answer let me tell you what he saw and experienced.  It was the monster hiding behind Marxism.  It was called Stalinism or totalitarianism.  Orwell realized that he was at greater risk of being killed by the Stalinist than the Nationalist forces he came to fight.  In fact, the naïve left wing, boutique Marxists were really fighting two fronts.  One in front of them and one behind.  The Stalinist proved to be the most deadly.  Thank goodness Orwell was successful in his desperate escape.  He tried to warn his fellow leftist to the danger of Communism ever since.  They didn’t listen. Some even shouted him down.

Why do I post about this?   Simple, nothing has changed.  If anything, it has gotten worse.  The manipulation of our minds through changes to the perception of reality has only intensified.  Bizarrely, this occurs without Joseph Stalin or any communist dictator in the Kremlin.  China is communist and maybe doing more than I realize.  What we have instead is something similar to myth of the Minotaur.  A monster roams the labyrinth below our society, feeding upon us, terrorizing our dreams.  Nobody can penetrate its lair.  It has been there for quite a while.   Decades, in fact.  Heroes bravely descend the labyrinth still today.  Often, they are destroyed.   Some are laying a string for us to follow.  We need to.

If you watched my video playlist series entitled “The Haunted Wood” you might have seen some clues that were placed in several shots.   These are my own string line for you.  One in particular is a book entitled “American Betrayal” by author Dianna West.  I did a post on her last month.  In my mind, she has done great work with her spool of string laying it deep in the labyrinth.   She accurately identifies the original sin that created the monster we live with today.   Going into the labyrinth without a string to guide you is extremely dangerous.  I know because I ventured there for almost a decade not knowing where I was.  Luckily, I found my way out.   Be warned!

My book trilogy will present this story in a fantastical story line.  It should be a great adventure.