The Wild Man Within

Have you ever wondered what lies deep inside of us?   I read that most Europeans have some evidence of Neanderthal ancestry.  If so, how deeply buried in our DNA are these traits?   I surmise they lay dormant and only appear should we face extreme violence.  The wild man awakes when we are fighting for our lives.  A recent news article caught my eye last week.  Maybe you heard about.  A man was running a remote trail in California when he was attacked by a mountain lion.  To everyone’s disbelief, this man killed the predator with his bare hands.  Reading the article, one thing came through the words written.  Authorities, reporters and experts not only seemed incredulous at the story but also uncomfortable.  The story telling was awkward.  Clearly, the sheer violence unleashed on the mountain lion by this trail runner was unimaginable to most.    How can a modern man overcome and kill such an awesome creature.  What greater beast must lie inside all of us?  Pondering this internal violence can be scary.  I find it comforting.  There is a wild man laying deep within my DNA that I can call upon in my most dire need.  The vast majority of us will never discover this inner entity until we face that life or death situation and even then we may just succumb.   A few may become conscious of this internal wild and bring him forward preemptively.   Intense eyes suddenly glower in the mirror.  Strained chains are released.   Cage doors thrown open.  Dark forest denizens fall silent in mid growl and howl as the screaming wild man acknowledges the new moon.  The Kindred raise their eyes from the flames of their winter fire.  They peer into the black woods in anticipation.  A new member will join their ranks soon.  They make room around the fire and add another log.
wildman within