Reincarnation Ain’t Easy


The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying describes the soul experience immediately after death.  It wanders through the Bardo.  Wrathful entities confront the dazed and confused soul complicating its reincarnation.  These monsters are really just projections of the deceased’s worst fears.  If not overcome, the soul cannot reincarnate into a higher self in the next life.  My book imagines a fear project run by a totalitarian government that implants subconscious fears in its citizens only to have them released during the Bardo journey.

This is why it is so important to strengthen your inner fortifications.  You will need strong redoubts.  If these are overrun, retreat to your bunker and hold tight.   Do not quit in despair.  There is a Bardo Patrol that will attack the monsters from behind.  Rescue is  possible.   Never settle for less.  Rescue is possible.  Always resist.  Pray.