Our Revolution

Was 1776!  



Artist John Trumbull (1756–1843) was in the colonial army camp at Roxbury, Massachusetts on June 17, 1775, the day of the Battle of Bunker Hill. He watched the battle unfold through field glasses, and later decided to depict one of its central events.[3] Joseph Warren, a Massachusetts politician and member of the colony’s Committee of Safety, volunteered to serve under Colonel William Prescott in the defense of the redoubt which the colonists had constructed on top of Breed’s Hill. This redoubt was the target of three British attacks, of which the first two were repulsed. The third attack succeeded, in part because the defenders had run out of ammunition. Warren was struck by a musket or pistol ball during the evacuation of the redoubt, and killed instantly.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Compare the sacrifice made by patriots like Joseph Warren with the current collection of socialist creeping onto the political scene today.    Our Revolution was for all citizens not just “working class families.”  I think that was the Russian Revolution right?  Didn’t go so well as I recall.  Today’s progressive types should go to Venezuela.  Pack some food for your trip.   I hear the working class families are hungry down there.  Oh yeah, leave your pets here.