Washington’s Immortals

You better believe some of these heroes will reappear as “Kindred” in my upcoming book. History is so much fun! Especially when you uncover the truth. This story goes totally against the current narrative lectured to us. Unlike their Spartan counterparts, however, the sacrifice these heroes made is forgotten. Their bodies lay buried in unmarked graves. Volunteers all, these “immortals” represented all class and race. They were made up of rich and poor, young and old, white and free black. Women who loved them played an important role in their battles as well. Despite their different backgrounds, the Maryland 400 warriors shared one vision: The American Declaration of Independence. When I imagined “The Kindred” in my first book, I was trying to capture unsung heroes that emerge from the mist, fight gallantly, only to retreat back into the fog once victory is ensured. They care not for recognition. Ever watchful, they follow the action from the treeline and step forward only when things are most desperate.