Vision of a baby strangling in its crib….

In my book, I described an imagined vision my fictional version of Lord Thomas Fairfax has just before his death of a baby in its crib being strangled by its swaddling clothes. The character does not know how to save it. This disturbing image came to me and I had did not know what it meant. Like so many things in my book, I merely transcribed visions into words. It was the only way to relieve myself of their recurrence.
I believe my vision comes from somewhere across the universe. A message maybe. Or, a warning. Not sure. It definitely means something.

It finally came to me that the baby in the crib was the new American Republic. It survived the violent war of revolution only to lay defenseless in afterbirth. Forces had not yet coalesced for it defense. Enemies of freedom quickly regroup and move in to destroy the unprotected nation.

This its an eternal battle. George Washington won the war but was besieged again from all sides. Unable to distinguish from patriot to traitor, he makes a critical mistake. His enemies knew he would value honor and loyalty first. Edmund Randolph was his Secretary of State and proponent of a significant trade agreement with France; a country who provided critical support at the battle of Yorktown. Without French support our victory would not have been possible. Our young nation was about solidify this national security alliance under the trade partnership negotiated by Edmund Randolph. Instead, Alexander Hamilton created a probably manufactured publicly release of a correspondence that questioned his loyalty to President Washington. Very convenient for England, the empire we just defeated in an existential battle. The trade treaty with France was irrevocable terminated in favor for a trade treaty with England that Hamilton favored. This launched our first debt service to a global banking system.

Randolph is forgotten and Hamilton exalted. Coincidence? I think not. The same forces that empowered Hamilton back then exist today. The battle continues. Ask yourself, why would we enslave ourselves to the Bank of England after defeating their forces on the bloody fields of battle across the American landscape. George Washington valued personal honor and harshly judged Randolph for his alleged transgressions of negotiating a trade treaty in secrecy. Clearly, this did not happen. Randolph demonstrated his innocence and defended himself against all slander. Too late, however, slander carries the moment and is impossible to correct. Trump knows of where I speak.

That is why I resurrect Edmund Randolph from the mist of history. He was the real patriot and Hamilton the enemy of the Republic.

Lets revisit this event and see who really cared for the crying new born in the cradle. Whose hands indeed wrap the swaddling clothes of the crib around the neck of the striving baby struggling to breath.

edmund randoph