As always, Styx has an eye for irony…

What he is saying is on the spot.   Wave the American flag in some liberal hotspots of our country and you are called a fascist and probably physically assaulted.   While at the same time, people protesting a brutal authoritarian regime are waving our flag as a symbol of the freedom they aspire to.

How crazy is that?

For me, this demonstrates the success of cultural marxism.  Indeed, we surrendered without a fight.   A silent insurgency took place over the last few decades.  A fifth column subverted our own will to fight by convincing us the battle is not worth fighting.  Look around you and ask how all it came to this.  What massive program is poisoning our minds, day in and day out, about the very foundational benefits of our Republic?   Are the police cracking heads of protestors waving American flags in our country?   No, they are not.  It is our fellow citizens so thoroughly brainwashed that they are blind to the freedoms and benefits they enjoy everyday.   That reality, however, is overcome by the rage of insignificant or distorted narratives fed to them.  Ask yourself who, if any, stand against it.  It would take a brave soul to row their boat against this current.

Well, in my book, I created the Kindred to describe what these citizen soldiers might look like.