Gulag of the mind

Experiencing the psychological punishment of 2020 was intended to make us all feel like political prisoners. After all, the widespread riots and lockdowns were right out of a communist playbook. We were told repeatedly that WE were the problem, everything was OUR fault. Some random police action against a deranged and violent criminal was really OUR fault because WE harbored deep, invisible hatred towards our fellow citizens. If that wasn’t enough, WE were to blame for a virus based pandemic that originated out of a military grade lab in Wuhan, China. If WE didn’t agree to self imprisonment, loss of civil liberties, virtue signal mask wearing, clearly, WE were guilty of gross acts of community hatred and even murder. Everyone just walk into your prison cell, close the door and lock it. To question the Authorities of technocrats was tantamount to murdering someone with our own hands. Just like a train ride to Siberia, we have no idea when, if, we will ever return.

To the prisoners of a Soviet gulag or a CCP internment camp, the punishment for questioning authority was physical and mental torture. Ask the citizens of Hong Kong if they prefer CCP rule or British suzerainty. While half of America binge watched the fictional TV series “A Handmaids Tale” as a smug characterization of Trump dystopia, the real show was in Hong Kong. Any TV series dramatizing that fall of civil rights? Any Broadway plays depicting the student heroes fighting in the streets of Hong Kong? Did any virtue signaling actors who endlessly lecture us (while they get rich) about the evils of our society ever dare speak about the Uighurs’ plight?

In my book, I envisioned a dystopian society ruled by a hidden cabal that control every aspect of the lives of American citizens, including the movement of their souls after death.

An act of defiance of my fictional characters was simply fleeing into the mountains to live free of government control. I never thought to include nail salons, barbershops, gyms, playgrounds and restaurants as potential battle fields. Who knew it would all happen so fast. We literally woke up one day and found ourselves characters on a Netflix dystopian TV film. Hopefully, it is cancelled after just one season.