What did you do during the lockdown?

Was the global pandemic declaration a US psyop?

I made the fateful decision to start my thru hike of the Appalachian trail on February 14th, 2020.   It would be unlike any thru hike before or since.   I became a refugee from a world gone insane.   I stuck to the mountain ridges,  peering down at distant highways coursing through wide valleys.   I continued hiking when most got off deciding to join the lockdown.   It became increasingly surreal to hike North.   I worried that authorities were surveiling each and every road crossing. Looking carefully for witnesses and even hidden trail cameras, I crossed like a buck entering a meadow. Towns became enemy territory.    In and out, living on the fringe of society, I tried to hide my transient lifestyle.   It wasn’t too difficult.   Everything was closed.  It was an apocalyptic scene repeated over and over.    I met a few brave souls that saw thru the apparent contradictions of health and safety rules.   We dismissed, ignored, maybe even destroyed public signs forbidding our experience.  My suspicion was solidly based on my own research. Not to mention, I used a similar virus to control populations in my book, published in 2017.   A regime had taken control of America and wanted martial law to manage dissent. They deceived citizens and exploied their fears to gain unquestioned respect for authority, any authority, as it turns out.   Maybe I was prepared for what happened during covid because I had already envisioned such an conspiracy.

Eventually, I made it to Vermont from Georgia before finally quitting, disgusted by the ever increasing closures.   Vermont was absolutely the worst State mandating illogical and, subsequently, illegal restrictions.  

I suffered the expected accusations of selfishness in my decision to be free.    I wear it now as a badge of courage.  

Every covid public health mandate has now been disclosed as unfounded.    Masks, social distancing, sterilized surfaces, vaccinations,staying indoors, ordering food delivered is debunked.  

Recently, Reuters published an article about an internal audit of the Pentagon, which describes a taxpayer funded anti-vax psyop directed against Philippine citizens critical of the Chinese vaccine being used during the height of the alleged global pandemic.   Was it to protect US based pharmaceutical competitors or just a massive risk of spreading the virus because China is an enemy nation?   Or, did the Pentagon know the virus wasn’t dangerous.    It was all a massive orchestrated attempt to do something we don’t really understand?

So, yeah, the covid tour 2020 was a great experience.   Only a few of us lived it on the run. 

Next time around, I hope there are more of us exiles in the woods.