Purpose of Human Existence by Carl Jung

“Man’s task is…to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious.  Neither should he persist in his unconscious nor remain identical with the unconscious elements of his being, thus evading his destiny, which is to create more and more consciousness.  As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”   Carl Jung


bonfire surrounded with green grass field
Photo by Vlad Bagacian on Pexels.com

Website Photo

Curious to get your opinion.  Is the hiker entering the dark forest or exiting and looking backwards from where they emerged?    One situation presents a foreboding adventure  while the other represents a passage already completed.

I will tell you what the answer is soon.



Michael Black on Metaphysics

As always, Michael Black displays genius in his ability to summarize hundreds of years of human history and our evolution of knowledge.   Something told me to visit his Youtube channel.  While I am a subscriber, I have not been there in months.   I was suffering yet another bout of insomnia last night and decided to watch this 26 minute video around 3:00AM.

A feeling of complete inadequacy to explain the purpose of my book still has me searching for answers.

I strongly encourage taking some time to watch this video.  Grab a glass of wine or a good scotch to go with his Scottish brogue and soak in his words.

At 25.25 he makes a statement that blew my mind.  I experienced an epiphany.

I believe I may be trying to create that myth to unite all things.  Yes, I see how that can seem like a grandiose claim.   If, however, all I am doing is taping into ancestral archetypes that reside dormant within my DNA, why can’t a simple person like me be its author?  Only time will tell.


Auguries of Innocence

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour
A Robin Red breast in a Cage
Puts all Heaven in a Rage
A Dove house filld with Doves & Pigeons
Shudders Hell thr’ all its regions
A dog starvd at his Masters Gate
Predicts the ruin of the State
A Horse misusd upon the Road
Calls to Heaven for Human blood
Each outcry of the hunted Hare
A fibre from the Brain does tear
A Skylark wounded in the wing
A Cherubim does cease to sing
The Game Cock clipd & armd for fight
Does the Rising Sun affright
Every Wolfs & Lions howl
Raises from Hell a Human Soul
The wild deer, wandring here & there
Keeps the Human Soul from Care
The Lamb misusd breeds Public Strife
And yet forgives the Butchers knife
The Bat that flits at close of Eve
Has left the Brain that wont Believe
The Owl that calls upon the Night
Speaks the Unbelievers fright
He who shall hurt the little Wren
Shall never be belovd by Men
He who the Ox to wrath has movd
Shall never be by Woman lovd
The wanton Boy that kills the Fly
Shall feel the Spiders enmity
He who torments the Chafers Sprite
Weaves a Bower in endless Night
The Catterpiller on the Leaf
Repeats to thee thy Mothers grief
Kill not the Moth nor Butterfly
For the Last Judgment draweth nigh
He who shall train the Horse to War
Shall never pass the Polar Bar
The Beggars Dog & Widows Cat
Feed them & thou wilt grow fat
The Gnat that sings his Summers Song
Poison gets from Slanders tongue
The poison of the Snake & Newt
Is the sweat of Envys Foot
The poison of the Honey Bee
Is the Artists Jealousy
The Princes Robes & Beggars Rags
Are Toadstools on the Misers Bags
A Truth thats told with bad intent
Beats all the Lies you can invent
It is right it should be so
Man was made for Joy & Woe
And when this we rightly know
Thro the World we safely go
Joy & Woe are woven fine
A Clothing for the soul divine
Under every grief & pine
Runs a joy with silken twine
The Babe is more than swadling Bands
Throughout all these Human Lands
Tools were made & Born were hands
Every Farmer Understands
Every Tear from Every Eye
Becomes a Babe in Eternity
This is caught by Females bright
And returnd to its own delight
The Bleat the Bark Bellow & Roar
Are Waves that Beat on Heavens Shore
The Babe that weeps the Rod beneath
Writes Revenge in realms of Death
The Beggars Rags fluttering in Air
Does to Rags the Heavens tear
The Soldier armd with Sword & Gun
Palsied strikes the Summers Sun
The poor Mans Farthing is worth more
Than all the Gold on Africs Shore
One Mite wrung from the Labrers hands
Shall buy & sell the Misers Lands
Or if protected from on high
Does that whole Nation sell & buy
He who mocks the Infants Faith
Shall be mockd in Age & Death
He who shall teach the Child to Doubt
The rotting Grave shall neer get out
He who respects the Infants faith
Triumphs over Hell & Death
The Childs Toys & the Old Mans Reasons
Are the Fruits of the Two seasons
The Questioner who sits so sly
Shall never know how to Reply
He who replies to words of Doubt
Doth put the Light of Knowledge out
The Strongest Poison ever known
Came from Caesars Laurel Crown
Nought can Deform the Human Race
Like to the Armours iron brace
When Gold & Gems adorn the Plow
To peaceful Arts shall Envy Bow
A Riddle or the Crickets Cry
Is to Doubt a fit Reply
The Emmets Inch & Eagles Mile
Make Lame Philosophy to smile
He who Doubts from what he sees
Will neer Believe do what you Please
If the Sun & Moon should Doubt
Theyd immediately Go out
To be in a Passion you Good may Do
But no Good if a Passion is in you
The Whore & Gambler by the State
Licencd build that Nations Fate
The Harlots cry from Street to Street
Shall weave Old Englands winding Sheet
The Winners Shout the Losers Curse
Dance before dead Englands Hearse
Every Night & every Morn
Some to Misery are Born
Every Morn and every Night
Some are Born to sweet delight
Some are Born to sweet delight
Some are Born to Endless Night
We are led to Believe a Lie
When we see not Thro the Eye
Which was Born in a Night to perish in a Night
When the Soul Slept in Beams of Light
God Appears & God is Light
To those poor Souls who dwell in Night
But does a Human Form Display
To those who Dwell in Realms of day

William Blake’s Orc

In my book, Wrathful Empathies, The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry, I re-imagine William Blake’s poem “America, A Prophecy” take place in modern Appalachia.  A few raiders hand selected by John Brown escape the final onslaught and flee through the darkness up and into the surrounding mountains.  The misty crags and dark hollows become their refuge across generations.  The kindred spirit of their spiritual leader never diminished amongst this small population but only grow in intensity.  The prophecy in William Blake’s poem speaks of a character called Orc.  He is the son of Los and Enith and the embodiment of rebellion.  When he is finally unleashed from the chains that bind him to the Iron Mountains, he confronts and destroys Urizen.  Much like Luke Skywalker in the first Star Wars movie, Orc does not know his heritage nor the force that lies within him.  My first novel describes his languishing in the banality of ignorance.  Lord save his enemies when he awakes to his true power.


Rebirth of the Moderns

My book Wrathful Empathies, The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry is about a secret group of rebels who carry the embers of freedom through stormy nights along windswept mountain ridges of the Appalachian mountains.  Their world has descended into a dystopian nightmare but they persevere across generations.   Indeed, the are not only kindred souls but actually kin.  The once bright purpose of America has been forgotten.  Evil powers have lulled the population into servitude.   The Authority wants to keep it this way.  A new threat emerges that makes matters even worse.   A system is taking shape to control the next generation by programing reincarnation itself.  To stop this new threat, the Kindred are forced from their hiding place.  They plan  to strike at the heart of this operation hidden within a secret cavern in the mountains across from Harpers Ferry.  Will their raid be doomed just like the 1st Raid on Harpers Ferry.   The fact that history does not record this event feat does not mean it never happened.  The  Authority desperately wants to quash this rebellion and keep it secret.   Is my book fiction?  Read and explore.   The Kindred are merely trying to save a Republic founded upon the ideals of freedom.    Imagine what a 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry would look like if it occurred today.  That is what I did in my book.


Another Raid on Harpers Ferry

Origin of the Bardo Patrol Image

What do you think the connection is?

I will explain in detail on my next YouTube livestream.

Please subscribe, comment, like and, most importantly tune in!

Happy 4th of July.  Everyone should celebrate this revolution that lifted the world from a fog of despair and offered life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


Haunted DC

I went in search of a wrathful spirit haunting the woods of Western Maryland.  There was no evil to be found in the darkness of the deep forest.  Instead, frightening apparitions confront me daily as I commute downtown.   Beware the twilight when shadows emerge.



Another Harpers Ferry

Finally, someone has picked up on the possibility of a 2nd raid on Harpers Ferry!

ZeroHedge published a great article that made me almost fall out of my metro seat on the  commute home from Washington, DC.

Another Harpers Ferry

If you are interested in what a 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry might look like, then read my book.  It is available on Amazon or go to my merchandise section of this website.




Go Pro Audio

As anyone with a GoPro Hero 5 camera knows, the video is excellent but the audio is problematic.  No real complaints to GoPro.  It was meant to be water proof and shock proof.  I can attest it survived both conditions flawlessly.  While researching many ways to improve my audio with extra accessories, I decided to just be more disciplined in the way I film.

So, please excuse the audio on my last upload.  The next will be much better.

Don’t forget to celebrate Father’s Day!   I am going to one of my favorite local Breweries with a dedicated sober ride home.  What are teenagers with a driver’s license good for anyway?

