Haunted Forest

Went back to the shelter where I encountered something I can’t explain.  It was an evil presence.  This is my very own attempt at doing a Blair Witch project.  Quite the success as the film quality is poor, script pitiful and plot confusing ( very much like the original film).  At least my acting is authentic because I am just being me.   As dusk darkened the forest gorge, a witch  approached the shelter near the stream.  Closer and closer she drew until she stopped just outside the light from my campfire.   Since I had no more wood to feed the fire, it started to die down.  She grew closer as the flames flickered lower.  In desperation, I summoned spiritual protection.  A wave of wind blasted down towards the shelter and entered where I was hunkered in the corner.  A face emerged from the wind, half lion, half woman and confronted the witch.  She kept me safe until dawn.  I awoke startled as if from a nightmare.  The embers of the fire lay smoldering.  Birds chirped deep in the forest, and the sun penetrated its canopy.  A distant shriek echoed through the trees.  Was it an hawk or something else.

Waking from a Post Modernist Nightmare

This video describes what happens when we wake from indoctrination.  Everything we have been told is suddenly revealed as ruins of a false construction.  We began to search again for faith and reason.

John Gray infamously stated “We live today amid the dim ruins of the Enlightenment project, which was the only project of the modern period”

He couldn’t have been more wrong.

When you finally awake to the truth, you find yourself wandering the ruins of your past thoughts and conceptions of the world.  Do not despair that you have been deceived.  Rejoice that you are awake, truly awake.  You are actually on a journey to a place that you already are.  There are others out there in the Bardo trying to reincarnate into truth.  We knew truth before but were convinced it was falsehood.  John Gray and post modernist claimed we walked in the ruins of reason and religious faith.  They were wrong.

My book entitled Wrathful Empathies, the 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry is my fictional attempt to strike at the heart of deceit.  Instead of raiding an armory, it is necessary to destroy the very mechanism disseminating falsehood.  Just like the first raid on Harpers Ferry, I  raise an army of truth warriors.   Seek out kindred spirits who are already engaged in the fight for freedom of the mind.

Scary Encounter

Mother bear in the shadows

I was only 1 mile from my designated campsite when I spotted some very small creatures jumping from tree to tree in front of me. At first, I thought they were big squirrels but a bit larger than any squirrels I have ever seen. It then dawned on me that they must be very young bear cubs. I had no idea bear cubs could jump from tree to tree and scamper so fast. I pulled out my camera to film and then remembered that their mother must be nearby. I looked to my right and then left. Sure enough, right off the trail behind some mountain laurel bushes, she was standing perfectly still watching me. I slowly started to back down the trail about 30 feet. I put away my camera and started blowing my bear whistle. I had hiked nearly 4 miles gaining about 2,500 feet in elevation. Wasn’t about to go back so I waited 15 minutes. The cubs only climbed higher and the mother bear didn’t move an inch. With all my nerve, I slowly hiked past them, blowing my whistle until I was alone again in the thick underbrush. It was a bit scary hiking the next mile with just a headlamp but I made it to camp. Strung up my entire pack on the bear cable and climbed into my tent hammock. I heard bears moving thickly through the campsite all night. The next morning, I crossed paths with another bear. This one also did not budge but actually bluff charged me. I guess because it was broad daylight, I found the encounter exciting but not nearly as scary. It must be the darkness that adds fear to the mind.

Myth and Science (what’s the difference?)

I just watched a fascinating video.  It is a bit over an hour but well worth it.

When I searched the internet for “plasma” and “karmic”, the first result was this video.

I was trying to figure out why I came up with the rivers of plasma flowing down the Shenandoah Valley, filtering into the two great rivers that ultimately join and pass through the mountains at Harpers Ferry.   My rivers of plasma were the energy of spiritual trauma from generations of people who lived and died over time.  The image came to me in a dream but I struggled to write about it.  The concept seemed crazy.  What was the origin of this plasma vision I wondered.

I think I may have found my answer.

It is very interesting to see that plasma cosmology believes electric plasma is the secret force behind the universe.  Also, this video makes the case that ancient myths represent visions of the heavens quite different from what we see today.  Serpent like dragons from our distant past folklore and myths resemble the strands of this plasma in space.   Suddenly, my fictional novel that I struggle to classify as fantasy, folklore, myth, spiritual, alternative history, conspiracy and/or dystopic vision makes sense to me.

Truly, we are on journey to a place we already are.


You Must Answer This Riddle To Pass

Are you wondering what is the meaning of the Bardo Patrol logo?  Did you watch my YouTube video on the subconscious?  Hint:  where does the subconscious lie?   The first subscriber to answer this riddle will get a free Bardo Patrol patch.  Just comment on this post.  If you are correct, I will give instructions for a free patch to be mailed to you at no cost.


Folktales vs Mind Control

In my book Wrathful Empathies, The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry, I created a secretive group called The Kindred.  The members of this group make it a practice to remember what it means to be American based on their ancestors experience.  They pass this knowledge down, generation after generation.  Through this fictional narrative, I hope to shake loose people’s awareness and reveal how the significance of the American revolution has been diminished.  It was possibly the singularly most important historical occurrence of self government ever.   What happened to change that perception?  I believe certain hidden forces are using mind control to replace what should be cherished beliefs with  something very destructive to this generation and generations to come.  That begs a question:  What exactly is being pushed into their subconscious?  To answer that question, we need to first confront the process of mind control.   Therefore, it is necessary to convince you that mind control is practiced. To do that I want to stir up old memories that are collecting dust on a long forgotten shelves.   Folklore is defined as the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community, passed through the generations by word of mouth. The stories I weave are populated with colorful characters that hopefully will revive something we know inherently – The American experience in self government is nothing to be ashamed.  Indeed, it is something to be proud of.   After all,  we have inherited the greatest form of government ever created. Yes, it can be corrupted by greed and power.  We can deal with that corruption through strict adherence to the rule of law. However, when shadowy forces seek to undermine our system of government with such subtle nuanced revisions of history, we fall into a trance.

That is why using iconic symbols, e.g., bearded, shadowy men of the woods, mystic in their spiritual understanding of the world drag up memories of something familiar. They speak few words and are stoic in their commitment to the cause. Above all, they bravely face death to defend liberty.  I believe all of us have embedded deep within our subconscious traditional beliefs, customs and stories of a community that served an essential role in our mental health and social cohesion.  I hope to awaken those embattled and buried memories. Indeed, I believe folktales are essential to fighting mind control programs that are actively at work even as I type this post. The battle is real and the time to act is now. Please spread the word. Read my posts on Wrathful Empathies and watch my videos on my YouTube channel PATROLREP.

If you don’t believe that mind control programs can be used to weaken, paralyze and then destroy a society, please watch the following video. Maybe after watching this video, you will see how they are at work today.

YouTube Live Stream

The Report-2

Check out my first Live Stream on Mark Ewing, Wrathful Empathies. Will continue weekly scheduled events. Quality will improve as I learn the technology. Can’t wait to chat live with you. I know you are curious or you would not be reading this. We have lots of gardening work to do. Travelers in the Bardo cannot be abandoned. It is up to us to patrol the collective subconscious to make the universe a better place.

Youtube Channel

Please visit my YouTube channel for videos.  It is under Mark Ewing (Wrathful Empathies) for now.

I am calling it PATROLREP.  This is a military abbreviation for Patrol Report. It will serve as the official report of the Bardo Patrol.  In Tibetan Buddhism the Bardo is where souls go after death and can wander for up to 42 days. During this time period, souls seek realization of universal consciousness. If successful, the soul achieves liberation from the wheel of struggle. If not, souls must experience reincarnation in another life form.  I believe most souls reincarnate.  In this case, the goal is to come back as a sentient being at a higher stage than the previous life.  It is during this struggle to traverse the Bardo, I envision a patrol hiking in the failing light. They are searching for souls to guide and rescue.  I don’t think, however, this necessarily requires interdimensional travel.  In fact, all souls can be helped right now.

In concert with my book “Wrathful Empathies, The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry”, PATROLREP will assist living souls to traverse the Bardo. This help will come in the form of information. Specifically, I will describe how fears are being implanted in our subconscious only to be released after death. The Authority has planned this and works daily to ruin our chances of liberation. They want souls to fail. Their goal is for the soul not join universal consciousness but reincarnate into a lesser being. This allows them to control future populations much easier. My writing serves as a warning this is really happening in our otherwise, humdrum, boring world. Listen closely and you will learn how to detect their evil at work. Of course, if a soul has already passed onto the Bardo, the patrol can spot them and offer assistance in the field.  I know this is not representative of Tibetan Buddhism.  I mean no offense.  I am an author just imagining an alternative to the Buddhist monk praying over the deceased body. Unlike this scenario depicted in the Tibetan book of the dead, I envision a group of weary hikers whose compassion pushes them to patrol endlessly. This is the Bardo Report. It is us, those who participate in my communications.

I am reminded of a story, real and recent. An autistic child became separated from his parents in the wilderness of Dolly Sods, West Virginia. It is an immense plateau which can have ferocious winds, as well as, unpredictable weather due to its high elevation. Also, it is full of rocky cliffs, fast moving streams, dense forest, bottomless bogs, and, worse yet, unexploded military ordinace. Volunteers quickly took to the wilderness in search of the lost soul. The response was overwhelming. The child was found days later. Cold, dehydrated, scared but safe. It just so happens my patrol of volunteers operates on trails where the veil of the living and dead is thin.   The Bardo is described as a desolate place haunted by demons.  I find it comforting to think of a patrol whose mission is to look for lost souls.  These spiritual truth warriors are described in detail in my book. Can you recognize them?  They constantly patrol the desolate spaces of our consciousness. Wrathful Entities also scavenge the Bardo.  They are ferocious monsters that threaten to devour souls into the oblivion of their empty stomachs. Are they really what they seem?  What, or who, in fact, patrols the Bardo?

The Report.png

Comments Are Welcome

Please comment by clicking on the individual post title.  Once it opens, comment space opens at the bottom of each post.   Also, my email is posted under Contact the Author.  If you are a reader of my book and want to ask questions about anything, just send an email.   Also, I will answer any questions about the experience of writing, self publishing and creating a WordPress site.




Star Wars, The Last Jedi

I spent last night watching YouTube videos of people venting their frustration over the new Star Wars movie.  They appear to be hard core fans that really, really hate the movie.  Their chief complaint is that the new version (produced, directed and written by Disney) totally substitutes the original Star Wars story with something very different.   This is considered  outrageous and unforgivable.   I have to admit that I never saw this movie and never will.   I did see the original Star Wars back in 1977.  I loved it.  It made me excited about the future.  I was confident  nothing would ever be the same again.  The future was here and it was exciting.  Yes, it was possible other worlds existed concurrent with out own.  All good things, however, come to an end.  I noticed the subsequent movies got less and less thrilling.  I stopped going altogether.  I didn’t know it then but the archetypal characters had gradually become less heroic, less mystical and less interesting.   Fans of Star Wars are pissed!.  They are resisting the change.   I am glad these people are awake to the revision of the Star Wars story/myth.

Hello.  Welcome to reality.  This revisionism is not limited to your favorite movie.  It has been happening to our historical narrative for decades.  The part that is most like my book (Wrathful Empathies, The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry) is that the enemy is inside the village gates.

To the legion of Star Wars fans or “fan boys” as you are dismissively called, please take your new found wrath and apply it to the much bigger universe.  Better yet, form an underground Star Wars fan club.  Call yourselves the Resistance.  Or, better yet, The Kindred.  Keep alive your memories of what you feel is your ancestral understanding of myth and purpose.   You can fight across time and space through countless generations yet to come.  Who knows, maybe you can even reincarnate and come back as a projection of your previous self.   Isn’t that what Luke Skywalker did?   Not sure, because I didn’t see the movie.   Instead, I thoroughly enjoyed watching the countless authentic and organic YouTube videos of average people who took to their cameras, declared war and uploaded their cry for vengeance.

The Authority is destroying  freedom across the universe.   The hour is late.

Maybe we need a 2nd Jedi to rise up!