Britain’s First Astronaut Says Aliens Definitely Exist And May Already Be Living Among Us

In my book, I imagine that aliens have not only visited our planet but been captured and enslaved for nefarious purposes by the Authority. Initially, I worried that I would alienate (forgive the pun) some of my audience with this bit of science fiction. After reading this article, I don’t feel so bad.

Am I becoming a character in my book?

In my book series Wrathful Empathies I write about a secret band of rebels that hike the long distance trail, communicating to each other through moldy trail journals tucked away in a series of remote mountain shelters spread along a 2,000 mile trail spanning the Appalachian mountains. These rebels frequently get off trail for resupply and circumvent authorities by traveling back alleys in numerous trail towns. I posted series of photos in past blog post depicting what I imagined these urban paths might look like. Living in Richmond in a less than stellar neighborhood awaiting my next thru hike, I take similar back alleys on my way home late at night. Am I living the real lifestyle of my characters? The similarities are not disputable. The question is am I running from discovery of the authorities? China definitely is following my author’s blog on a weekly basis. Who knows what waits for me down these dark end of the streets. The following are pictures of my paths home. I will let you be the judge.

I wouldn’t have believed this was possible!

The Pope in Rome actually turned over the catholic church in China to the communists. This isn’t hyperbolic anymore. There is an actual agreement. If you are a frequent visitor to this blog, you have seen ample evidence of Communist China’s violent occupation and suppression of Tibetan Buddhism. The Dalai Lama escaped capture, fled into exile and has waged a relentless effort to free his flock from exile for decades. Sadly, the Catholic flock inside China has not only been abandoned by their shepherd but actually turned over to wolves. Unsurprsingly, there is an underground catholic counter revolution to take back what is literally paid for in blood. I feel a fellowship to these rebels and consider them members of the Kindred.

Hiliare Belloc once said;


“I have wandered all my life, and I have also travelled.  The difference between the two being this:  that we wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.”

I confess that sometimes I can’t tell the difference.  While I am traveling, I often feel lost and that I am simply wandering around.  It is only later once I have arrived at my destination that I realize all my steps were purposeful.  Not once was I lost because I was always heading to where I was supposed to be.  It is a wonderful feeling to experience this realization.  Indeed, I have often felt lost and purposeless in my steps.  It is only at the end of the day when I settled down and appreciated my position, whether it be with new friends or in a perfect camp site.  Only upon reflection do we really understand the miracle of travel.  Stepping onto the mysterious path of leaving the familiar, embarking into the unknown and exploring the hidden do we truly reveal ourselves to ourself.  The horizon may be far away along a desolate road or closed in by thick forest, but it is always one step away.  As long as you believe in yourself and your purpose there is no amount of wandering that can keep you from traveling to your final destination.

GR20 Corsica

Leave it to the French to capture the surrealness  of the GR20 hike.

If you ever thought wild adventure was beyond your reach, you are wrong.  This is totally within anyone’s capacity to experience.  It just takes an airplane ticket (and in my case, a ferry ticket.)

My documentation of the experience suffers by comparison.   Watching this youtube video transports me back to the mountains of the Enchanted Island.


Wrathful Empathies, The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry

Okay guys, this is your author talking to you straight up.   Do you really think this was a simple train accident?  Why would a derailment happen in the early hours of the morning at the Harpers Ferry bridge crossing which also cut off access to the Appalachian Trail for North and Southbound hikers?

Are we really to believe it was a matter of poor track, excessive speed or some other explainable engineering phenomenon?

How about spirits escaping the caverns within the Maryland Heights, fluttering wings of avenging angels, alien forces or wrathful rebels assaulting the Authority?

You decide.

Hint:  The most interesting view is from the cliffs of Maryland Heights.


The Rising of the Vendee

Forgotten struggles, dead heroes, and sacrifices made.  My book is all about people who take a stand against tyranny of a totalitarian authority, similar to the bloody Republic born of the violent French Revolution.  A few stood up to this leviathan and paid the price.  The mysterious group of mountain rebels in my book who call themselves “The Kindred” were born in my imagination by reading about groups like the Vendeans in France to the Cristeros in Mexico to the Carlists in Spain.

In book one of my conceived Trilogy (Wrathful Empathies), I have set the stage for the underground movement.  Through time travel across US History, I will narrate a story of revolt.  The movement is traced through the bloodline of martyrs.  Consider that a clue to my ultimate goal of writing this story.

Music is a window to the soul

God, I love this music.  I can’t wait to lose myself in the Appalachian mountains for my thru hike in 2020.   Undoubtedly, I will be listening to music like this which is a collaboration between Tyler Childers and Town Mountain.  One of which I saw perform live in Berryville, VA not far from the old stone farmhouse where I wrote Wrathful Empathies, The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry.   Lets keep that on the low down….

“Stories Are Our Culture”

Watched this YouTube video and it renewed my faith that others understand how deep the evil goes in our society.  Tiffany is my new hero.  There is a secret authority working behind the scenes that have stole our consciousness.  It is about hidden agendas.  She gets it because she lived it.  Truth is stranger than fiction.

Soulful Inspiration For My Book

The scene in my book of the illegal drug lab hidden deep in the woods of the BlueRidge Mountains was inspired by this song performed by The Steel Drivers.  Chris Stapleton does a great job evoking the mystery of an ancient stone retreat built by Choctaw natives before Europeans ever arrived.  I liked the imagery of its secrecy.  It is a retreat that exists out of time and parallel to existence of modern society.  It can only be accessed by those who know the woods and look for what is hidden.  From this place in a piney hollow that know one but you can find there lies a secret on the blue side of the mountain.  So deep and dark like a hurting in your heart where the sun don’t ever shine.

2nd Book Cover

Wrathful Empathies, The 14th Colony will feature more time travel of your favorite characters from The 2nd Raid on Harpers Ferry. I am also incorporating insights from my hikes in Spain, specifically Galicia, to flesh out the history for one of my favorite characters: Magda, the magical food wagon gypsy, is really a time traveling witch from medieval Spain. While hiking through Galacian towns and villages, I kept seeing small witch dolls affixed inside taverns, stores, or to the occasional farm fence. Intrigued, I researched available literature and discovered the area’s fixation with witches. Also, I may have seen one myself. That’s when I got the idea to create a personal history for my fictional Magda character based on the historical Galacian woman accused of witchcraft (probably eye curses). While she survived physical interrogation during the inquisition, her fame grew as she literally and figuratively disappeared from history. She is something of a heroine in Galician folktales. As a writer, I imagine that she didn’t just disappear but transited onto the Golden path. Now, she travels across my story lines as the mysterious Magda who magically appears whenever fellow time traveling characters need nourishment and rescue.