Wrathful Empathies Animation
My YouTube channel
Wrathful Empathies Animation
Watch “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party PT. 3 | The Epoch Times” on YouTube
I am sharing this video for a couple reasons: first, just to piss off the Chinese Communist Party; Second, to explain to my readers why I am anti-communist; Third, to give them signs to look for that the same blueprint is unfolding here. It’s all in plain sight but masked by either useful idiots or knowing agents. Clearly, the battle ground is being prepared and softened so that the same destruction of freedom can occur in America. Political Correctness is just Marxism playing out in culture. Don’t give in to it. Look what the Chinese virus has done to our society. We are being trained to be good little peasants.
NASA uncovers evidence of bizarre parallel universe where physics, time operate in reverse – Boston News, Weather, Sports | WHDH 7News
Is this a character in my book or me? Is there even a difference anymore?
Chinese officials violently raid church, detain members
Violent suppression of religion is nothing new in communist countries. This video of China is just another example. What is really horrible is that its now happening in America under new authorities granted to the police under Covid-19 regulations. Ask yourself when we surrendered our freedom of religion as a free people? What a great way to stealthily implement a totalitarian society.
Watch “Understanding China — Free Hong Kong: Revolution of our Time” on YouTube
Origin of the CCP Virus: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle 中共病毒溯源:拼图中缺失的那一块
The Freedom Of Individuals Still Matters – Even If COVID Warriors Say It Doesn’t | Zero Hedge
Back on trail!

My goal is to hike the entire Appalachian Trail so that I write an authentic account of the thru hiker community. If I live this experience for 6 months, it will help create new scenes, characters and plot lines. So, I may not post too many updates. Check out my Instagram account at lostmungo2 and follow me on YouTube at my channel called Bardo Patrol. See down the trail!
Total Surveillance Society In the Hands of A Totalitarian State
Watch “Descent Into Hell: Life of the Chinese Under the Chinese Communist Party | CCP Virus | COVID -19” on YouTube
My long standing opposition to communism is fired up again by this podcast. From solzhenitsyn to the Tibetan Buddhists, to America, A Betrayal, the true evil of the communist party and its secret american allies is at the forefront again with the uncovering of the CCP and its Covid 19 attack on the world
Fear and Loathing in Damascus

Roaming the Roan Highlands

Keeping one step ahead of the authority
Crossing back and forth between State lines either at the mountain ridges or at their gaps is an old fashioned but proven way to evade law enforcement. Working for me (so far).

Hiking into fiction

Having hiked 250 miles of the Appalachian trail, I am living an existence without the normal constraints of time. Days and nights have different rules here. I am learning more and more about the contours of mountains. Their hollows, knobs, balds, timber and ridges are starting to form patterns. Various kinds of timber reveal distinct forests floors. Fleeting images of my characters reveal themselves in the hikers and townspeople I meet. I think I got it right in my first book and this experience will only strengthen the authenticity of my writing in book two. Stay tuned.
Follow me on Instagram at lostmungo2 as I thru hike the Appalachian trail this year.
Watch “Hike from the NOC to Fontana village” on YouTube
Make sure to follow me on YouTube.
My channel is called Bardo Patrol